Organic Lentils 400 gr

Organic lentils are treated with care and then boiled in water without adding any salt or preservatives and conserved in practical BPA NI tins, so that the product maintains flavour and taste. Organic lentils have a thin skin and a pulpy flesh; they are a healthy and nutritive ingredient to enrich a ...Read more

  • Description
  • Specifications

Organic lentils are treated with care and then boiled in water without adding any salt or preservatives and conserved in practical BPA NI tins, so that the product maintains flavour and taste. Organic lentils have a thin skin and a pulpy flesh; they are a healthy and nutritive ingredient to enrich all courses because they are versatile and practical to use served plain with a little oil or as a dressing for soups and pasta. Ingredients Organic lentils, water.

About Conserve Manfuso

Conserve Manfuso srl è una ditta conserviera produttrice di conserve di pomodoro e specializzata in pomodori pelati.
Ha puntato il suo core business sulla trasformazione del pomodoro Biologico vista la crescente richiesta di prodotti sani ed incontaminati da sostanze chimiche di sintesi e nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente.


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Lunedì - Venerdì ore
09:00/13:00 - 14:30/18:30

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Lunedì - Venerdì ore
08:00/12:30 - 14:00/16:30

Informazioni e Contatti

Conserve Manfuso Srl 

Via Buonconsiglio N. 330
80057 Sant'Antonio Abate

Napoli - Italy
Chiama +39 081 8738572
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Fax +39 081 3907070
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