San Marzano PDO tomatoes from organic farming

San Marzano PDO tomatoes from certified organic farming are our products' top of the range for tomato preserves. San Marzano are the prince of tomato preserves used by the most renowned restaurants in Italy and the world and for the preparation of gourmet pizzas. San Marzano PDO organic tomatoes ha ...Read more

  • Description
  • Specifications

San Marzano PDO tomatoes from certified organic farming are our products' top of the range for tomato preserves. San Marzano are the prince of tomato preserves used by the most renowned restaurants in Italy and the world and for the preparation of gourmet pizzas.

San Marzano PDO organic tomatoes have a unique elongated shape, are intensely red and have a bittersweet flavour. San Marzano PDO organic tomatoes are exclusively harvested by hand from the tomato rows of the Agro - Sarnese - Nocerino fields, a place of high agri-food culture in the Campania Region. The cultivation and processing of San Marzano are carried out without any synthetic chemicals and in full respect of the environment, thus preserving their freshness, the balance of their natural substances and above all they remain an antioxidant and detoxifying fruit.

Organic San Marzano tomatoes can be combined with recipes for meat, fish or vegetables. They are also widely used for the preparation of first courses such as the famous Neapolitan ragout and are an indisputable ingredient of the famous Neapolitan pizza.

Weight: 2.5 kg

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About Conserve Manfuso

Conserve Manfuso srl è una ditta conserviera produttrice di conserve di pomodoro e specializzata in pomodori pelati.
Ha puntato il suo core business sulla trasformazione del pomodoro Biologico vista la crescente richiesta di prodotti sani ed incontaminati da sostanze chimiche di sintesi e nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente.


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Lunedì - Venerdì ore
08:00/12:30 - 14:00/16:30

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Conserve Manfuso Srl 

Via Buonconsiglio N. 330
80057 Sant'Antonio Abate

Napoli - Italy
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