Our core business is the production of organic tomato preserves obtained exclusively from fresh tomatoes grown in southern Italy and processed only a few hours after their harvest in the fields. All our organic tomato preserves are fresh and fragrant with natural acidity and a sweet and sinuous flavour that is enhanced when our sauces are cooked.
The Manfuso Food Service line of canned organic tomatoes is made up of semi-finished organic tomatoes used by the food industry for the production of other tomato-based products, ready-made sauces and ready-made meals.
The products: Tomato puree, Tomato pulp and Tomato concentrate are made exclusively with fresh organic tomatoes of 100% Southern Italy origin, processed on the same day of picking with no addition of salt, packaged in practical aseptic bags with airtight sealing in these formats: 5 kg, 10 kg and 220 kg.
The Manfuso Organic Tomato Preserves HORECA line is an excellent tomato for pizza, and for making sauces in the catering industry, as well as for ready-made meals prepared by Catering specialists.
The entire Manfuso Organic Tomato Preserves HORECA line is available for professionals and is made with the same method as the retail formats with only fresh organic tomatoes of 100% Southern Italy origin processed on the same day of harvest, with no addition of salt.
Conserve Manfuso srl è una ditta conserviera produttrice di conserve di pomodoro e specializzata in pomodori pelati.
Ha puntato il suo core business sulla trasformazione del pomodoro Biologico vista la crescente richiesta di prodotti sani ed incontaminati da sostanze chimiche di sintesi e nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente.
Lunedì - Venerdì ore
09:00/13:00 - 14:30/18:30
Lunedì - Venerdì ore
08:00/12:30 - 14:00/16:30
Conserve Manfuso Srl
Via Buonconsiglio N. 330
80057 Sant'Antonio Abate
Napoli - Italy
Chiama +39 081 8738572
Chiama +39 081 8738056
Fax +39 081 3907070
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P.I. 01314681212